guide jotje lala |
start tour from gardenia country inn. |
tomohon market |
gardenia restaurant |
panora marice onthe way to woloan |
minahasa wooden house in dustry in woloan |
linow volcanocrater |
volcano mud near hospringin toraget |
hospring in toraget |
vegeble ifield in coleps volcano |
inspiration hill in tomohon |
inspiration hill |
mesje school in tomohon |
waruga |
coyfish farming in tondalake |
fo prince bernat,beatrik in waruga museum |
tomohon market |
tankoko dove villas |
tour album party galand under guided by guide jotje lala.
guide jotje in gardenia country inn tomohon. |
we visted minanasa traditional house industry in woloan via panora rice in wailan-kayawu or guide jotje lala village,tomohon market,linow volcano crater lake,hotspring in minahasa-toraget,tondano lake,mahawu and masyarang volcano coleps,with its vegeblleterrace.next day visit inspiration hill,mesje school or ex holand residense before in tomohon,sawangan villge for to see waruga[pre christian stone grave,tangkoko nature reserve and stay in.